[Hybrid] Magic School: 10-week course in Developing Intuition & Metaphysics begins Wed July 17th


Magic School: 10-week course in Developing Intuition and Metaphysics
Teacher: Naha Armády
Wednesdays beginning 7.17.24 6:30pm PST and culminating 9.25.24
Off the week of 8.28.24
Location: In-Person and Online via Zoom
Prerequisite: Magic Fundamentals 2-Day Intensive

Magic School is a 10-week course in which the student explores the magical landscape of their life both inside and out. Gain great self-knowledge, learn how to trust your intuition, and empower yourself as a magical practitioner in the Western Mystery Tradition.

Naha developed this course over a decade from her personal experience as a professional metaphysician. It has been newly structured, expanded and rewritten from the original Developing Intuition course. The material is presented through lecture, exercises, meditative exploration, personal writing, ritual and participatory practices.

Students will be expected to do altar work and journaling on their own throughout the duration of the course.

Meditation and Visualization
Qabalistic Ritual and method
Divination Techniques
Psychic Protection
Clairvoyant Training
Record Reading
Subtle Body Anatomy
Symbols, Numbers, Magical Tools
Astral Scavenger Hunt
Prayer and Offerings, Animals and Elementals
Finding your Spirit Guides: Angels and Ascended Masters
Ancestors, Past Lives and Repairing Karma
Altars and Sacred Space, Creating Rituals
Ceremonial Magic and Metaphysics

Please note:

  • You must have completed the prerequisite Magic Fundamentals 2-day intensive prior to taking this course. If you did not attend the intensive, the recorded training can be purchased here: https://22teachings.com/magic-fundamentals-2-day-intensive/
  • Once you complete the purchase, a download link will be in the confirmation screen.
  • Course syllabus, zoom link, and additional information will be emailed before the course begins.