Tami Havton

Tami Havton is a passionate educator with over 40 years of experience in and out of the classroom as student, teacher, parent, mentor, and coach. With compassion and curiosity, she connects with her students and peers.  With creativity and kindness, she contributes to their journey. 

At 22 Teachings, Tami found an opportunity to learn, mentor, and teach.  Gematria, Qabalah, and Tarot – for Tami, the common thread is Hebrew.  Tami is bilingual, English/Hebrew, and lived in Israel for 17 years.  Her insatiable curiosity had her searching for original Hebrew sources and references of Sefer Yetzirah and The Tree of Life. 

Upcoming Events:

Available Downloads:

Tu B’Shvat Seder 2022
Magicians Roundtable with Naha

Hebrew for Mystics – 4-Part Series & Hebrew for Mystics
Hebrew for Mystics I: Introduction to the Alephbet
Hebrew for Mystics II: Introduction to the Alephbet
Hebrew for Mystics III – Sephirot, Divine Names and Angelic Choirs
Hebrew for Mystics IV – The 4 Worlds, Archangels & Mundane Chakras

Zentangle 3-Part Series