[Video Class] Minor opus: a poetic astral meditation in the 8 of Swords with Frank Paul


Minor opus: a magical working in the 8 of Swords
Teacher: Frank Paul
Length: 60 minutes
Recorded: September 2020
Prerequisite: Tarot School 9-week Course is suggested but not required

The Minor Arcana of the Tarot reflect the everyday experiences of our lives. This series offers students the opportunity to experience the cards from the inside out, exploring the surroundings and themes, to come to new understandings about the lessons of each card as it personally relates to them.

In each magical working, Writing teacher Frank Paul guides students through a meditative exploration of the scene in a way that they not only visualize, but can also feel, hear and sense. Starting at the 2 of Wands, this series moves through each card as presented in the Decan Wheel.

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