Homeopathic Flower Essences Vibrational Medicine 

Flower essences tinctures work by modifying energy flow through acupuncture meridians and the subtle bodies. Shifts in these energetic patterns influence consciousness, assisting in emotional transformation and enhancing self-love.


Primrose Organics Apothecary offers a variety of healing consultations and intuitive readings to help you achieve optimal, holistic health. The following services are available in person at 22 Teachings. When you schedule your appointment, please indicate your preferred appointment method.

Consultations and Custom Blending

Each custom blending consultation includes a thorough intake form to assess your current health, followed by a discussion of your unique needs and challenges. These sessions seek to treat not just physical symptoms but any underlying emotional and spiritual concerns. Also included with your consultation is the development of a personalized botanical remedy based on your individual health needs. All remedies are created using deep-healing alchemical methods and Reiki energy to assist in spiritual support for the mind, body, and soul. (Please note: Some remedies will be available at the time of your session, but others may need to be carefully constructed afterwards to achieve the best results.) 

Flower Essence Intuitive Oracle Readings

45-minute session ($125):

This 45-minute session includes an intuitive examination of how the elements are at work in your life, and a custom flower essence blend crafted to meet your specific elemental needs. The reading assesses Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether, which connect to your physical body, mental functioning, personal power, emotions, and spirit. We will look deeply within, exploring these natural cycles and rhythms, revealing where support is needed. The prescribed flower essence remedy can help bring peace and balance to those areas when incorporated into a meditative practice after the reading.
1-hour session ($150):

This 1-hour reading includes an intuitive assessment of balance in the spiritual centers of the body that channel your life force energy, and a flower essence remedy based on what we discover there. Through this reading, we will gain perspective on where support is needed for grounding, confidence, and self-awareness. We will explore, in depth, how to achieve greater harmony between the physical and spiritual realms, bringing both worlds together for complete health and wellness. Using the flower essence remedy from this reading helps restore balance in the universal life force energy running through the meridians along the spine; this harmonizes the autonomic nervous system, providing strength, clarity, and vitality.

Felicia Howe: Stylist, Herbalist, Botanical practitioner 

Felicia Howe, proprietor of Primrose Organics Apothecary, is passionately dedicated to elevating health and beauty through daily personal rituals. An artist, empath, and intuitive alchemist, Howe’s unique alignment with nature, people, and beauty infuses everything she creates. The Primrose Organics philosophy stems from Howe’s childhood in southern Oregon, with her first memories among the trees and wildlife surrounding her family’s sustainable farm in Deadwood. In this natural community she learned the power of herbs from her mother, instilling in her a deep respect for the planet and sparking her lifelong relationship with organic living. 

Throughout her youth, Felicia gravitated towards all things creative, setting the stage for her early career in the beauty industry. In Los Angeles, she quickly became a highly sought-after hair stylist, attracting celebrity clients in music and film, which allowed her to expand her business over time as the owner of two successful salons. Her second business, the award-winning Primrose Organics Salon, was one of California’s first certified green salons, as recognized by Los Angeles’ Mayor Garcetti’s Green Business Program. As a pioneer in sustainable practices, Howe also developed an organic beauty line, responding to a growing need for non-toxic personal care products. 

Primrose has since evolved into a holistic resource for healing through plant magic from scalp to spirit, offering customized herbal and aromatic remedies to support individual health and wellness in addition to her line of cleansing and styling products targeting a range of haircare needs. Howe’s remedies were initially inspired by her own health sensitivities and are supported by extensive research and training in certified organic methods, herbalism, aromatherapy, astrology, Reiki, and Chinese Medicine. Informed by her special perspective as a seasoned stylist, Howe’s approach is an artful blend of traditional herbalism and contemporary haircare formulated to provide transformative experiences for mind and heart.

Currently dividing her time between Los Angeles and her apothecary in Portland, Howe continues an active practice as a stylist while creating daily in her nature-filled studio, where she grows, distills, and creates with therapeutic intention.